

This is the cliched "About Me" page that no one reads. Actually, this is the "About Us" page that only our Moms will read...

Crystal and I live in Central Massachusetts with our two dogs and cats. We enjoy being outside, hiking, backpacking, gardening, really anything that involves fresh air. We do agility with our dogs, and spend many nights after work playing frisbee. We love to cook new and exciting foods, eat healthy, and travel anywhere and everywhere to experience different, exciting cultures. Also, we like to live organically and do much of our own "heavy lifting" in life. Many people prefer to pay for services that Crystal and I get pleasure out of learning how to do and completing ourselves. Some posts on this blog reflect just those types of projects. We go to a lot of concerts and festivals as well as sporting events in the area and are currently expecting the arrival of our first child, Kendall. She is due October 24, so expect some fun posts about her when she's here and probably an update to this page to reflect the new-parent status.

Here's a picture of us backpacking through Sequoia National Forest - gotta love self-photos!
